Chapter 12 Mapping

We proceeded to read mapping for every libraries on the built reference, already partly annotated:

  1. Repeats merging: 41 libraries were repeated, we merged their alignment to increase their information before variant calling
  2. Reads mapping: we mapped every libraries in pair end with bwa mem on the hybrid reference from Ivan Scotti et Sana Olson used to built the targets
  3. Reference sequences: we built bedtools for every alignment in order to list sequences with mathces in the reference to be used to reduce explred reference area in variant calling

12.2 Reads mapping

We mapped every libraries in pair end with bwa mem on the hybrid reference from Ivan Scotti et Sana Olson used to built the targets (parralelizing with 32 alignement with 2 process on 64 cores of 1 node of genologin). We had globally a good mapping with more than 80% of the reads mapped for 98% of the libraries 12.1.

Mapping result

Figure 12.1: Mapping result